Women Pushing Their Limits

It was a joy to be featured on the Half-moon Yoga blog for their feature Women Pushing Their Limits in honour of International Women’s Day on March 8, 2019.

Below, I have highlighted my answers from the interview. You can follow the link above for the full article which features answers from fellow movers and shakers: Katherine Moore, Dora Kamau, and Melody Walford. It was wonderful to learn more about and from these women and how they push their limits for greater expansion and self expression.

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1. Aside from yoga, what else ignites your soul? 

I come alive when engaged in the topic of consciousness, whether through my one on one work with clients, in teaching, writing, reading, or in dialogue with others. I find a deep sense of joy and excitement, as well as curiosity and openness when considering the bigger questions in life, like “who am I?” And “how can I best contribute?” 

2. How does the practice of yoga inform your other projects/passions? What aspects of yoga have you incorporated into your process?

Yoga allows me to come home to my Self again and again. Every time I step onto my mat, I move through more than just an asana practice. I allow the teachings of yoga (such as the yamas and the niyamas) to inform my practice in body, mind and spirit. This practice leaves me nourished, calm and at peace with the present moment, which is all there ever is. It is this presence that supports all aspects of my life, including projects and passions. 

3. What advice do you have for women to establish a new passion or find their calling?

Gift yourself with time and space to sit in silence, cultivating presence each day. Out of our stillness and quiet, a deep inner wisdom arises to support us in finding the way to (and through) our passions, callings, and life experience in general. 

4. What drives you to push the limits in your field? What keeps you motivated?

I am committed to being an active participant in creating a healthier, happier, more connected global community, and a better tomorrow for all beings. I know that in order to create positive change and healing in our world, we must begin healing from within and understand that we have a powerful ripple effect. Ultimately, it is my deep love for the world that motivates me in my work: to invite others along on the journey of Self-awareness, and taking responsibility for shifting our individual and then our collective experience  towards more peace and harmony.

5. With so many projects on the go, how do you keep from burning out or losing focus?

A daily meditation practice and sharing gratitude are two keys that support me deeply, both personally and professionally. By cultivating a state of presence, I am more capable of taking on challenges with more calm and ease, and finding clarity amidst chaos by  trusting my intuition. 

6. How would you like to make an impact in this world? What do you want to be remembered for? 

If there is one thing I hope people experience in my presence in this life time, it is kindness.